
The Sampler Guild

Hello everyone - I just had the best time yesterday! I headed off at around quarter to nine on the tube to Rayner's Lane - out near the end of the tube lines. Charlotte met me at the station and took me with her to her home (just a 3-minute walk) where we gathered up her parcels and waited for our "ride". Janet and Heather came along soon and we got in Janet's car and we were off out to the country-side and goodness knows where we went, but an hour and a half later, we were there! Britta was our hostess, and everyone was so nice and friendly and welcoming!

I met so many of the Birthday Buddies from our group - I hope I will remember them all and keep them straight when I get home. I saw some gifts heading to the Seattle area, and some that were shown with delight as having been received! What a treat to kind of see the Birthday Buddy program from both sides like that!
People do want to do it again, so we might be thinking that all through again.....

The day was filled with fun, laughter and so much hilarity, it's hard to express it properly. There was show and share galore, and a wonderful lunch served - endless cups of tea passed round and just a very good time! Everyone was so nice to me and friendly and welcoming - I felt I'd been coming to these get-togethers for years! Such fun!

All too soon, the sun began to go down and we said our goodbyes - "but just til next week!" - and trundled off in all kinds of cars to find our ways home. There was terrible traffic - haven't seen anything like it here before - so it took more like 2 1/2 hours to get back to Rayner's Lane, but never mind - we're in good company and still having a wonderful talk, so the time flew by. Charlotte walked me back to the tube station (I might have found it on my own, but I wouldn't want to bet on it!) and then I retraced my journey - two train changes this time, as the first train I got on said it was going to the end of the line, and then just stopped at a station and the overhead voice (which half the time I can't understand) said "Ladies and Gentlemen, this train will now stop at Wembley Park - please all get off and cross to the train on the opposite platform if you wish to go further." My first real clue was when everyone else got off and got on the other train, so I followed suit! After that, it was smooth sailing and I got home again safe and sound!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh it would be fun to do the Birthday buddies again with the English guild. It could be like our international sisterhood, just like cities with sister cities in other countries :-) Would we draw partners again, so that we met new people and that way continued to learn more of the members and share friendships? I think that would be fun. We should put it in the next newsletter!!!

Did you pull me out of your pocket to see the show and share? I must of been napping, don't remember it :-) (I really should of made you a Becky doll to take along, this is really getting silly)